Villars Summit 2025

Villars Summit 2025


The Villars Institute Summit 2025 will take place on 19-21 March at the Villars Palace Hotel with over 280 experts, entrepreneurs, investors, and philanthropists. The aim of the Summit is to address the climate and biodiversity crises holistically through interdisciplinary cooperation to accelerate systemic change.


- (50mins)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

25 Protecting Biodiversity and Restoring Nature at Scale

According to a World Economic Forum report, our planet’s stock of renewable and non-renewable natural resources has declined nearly 40% per person globally. Join this plenary discussion on how to protect biodiversity and restore nature which on its own represents half of global GDP.
Cristián Samper
Enric Arderiu Serra
Julia Marton-Lefèvre
Carlos Peres
Ilona Szabó de Carvalho

- (30mins)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

26 Telling the Story of Biodiversity

An Oxford University study reported that although Google searches on biodiversity increased in the last decade, searches for conservation actions (e.g. protected areas, habitat restoration, ecotourism) declined. Join this plenary presentation on how the power of film-making can convert public interest into collective action to protect biodiversity.
Jonnie Hughes
Colin Butfield

- (40mins)


Summit Community Break

Session in Parallel

- (75mins)

Hergé Room

27 Innovation Pathways to Nature-Based Solutions

Join an in-depth discussion on finding the innovation pathways to develop, scale, and adopt projects, policies, or practices that will accelerate systemic change towards nature -based solutions
Suzan Craig
Katherine French
Francisco D'Elia
Jonquil Hackenberg

- (75mins)

Genève Room

28 Innovation Pathways to Net Zero Emissions

Join an in-depth discussion on finding the innovation pathways to develop, scale, and adopt projects, policies, or practices that will accelerate systemic change towards net zero emissions.
Michal Nachmany
Florian Wunsch
Peter BenHur Nyeko
Amanda Ellis

- (75mins)

Vaud Room

29 Innovation Pathways to Food Security

Join an in-depth discussion on finding the innovation pathways to develop, scale, and adopt projects, policies, or practices that will accelerate systemic change towards food security.
Hannah Schragmann
Robert Berendes
Gabriel Tasso
Wout Hoff

- (75mins)

Fribourg Room

30 Innovation Pathways to Nature Restoration

Join an in-depth discussion on finding the innovation pathways to develop, scale, and adopt projects, policies, or practices that will accelerate systemic change towards nature restoration.
Alex Dehgan
Aureline Grange
Sylvain Vaquer
Meagan Fallone

- (60mins)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

31 The Economics of Nature Positive

Ecosystem services provide an important portion of the total contribution to human welfare on this planet. Over $33 trillion USD in ecosystem services are provided annually by the world’s diverse ecosystems. Despite this immense value, natural assets remain largely unaccounted for in corporate and financial decision-making. As biodiversity loss and climate risks escalate, how can we transition to an economic model that recognizes and invests in nature as a vital asset rather than an externality?
Marco Lambertini
Naoko Ishii
Patrick Odier
Beatrice Weder Di Mauro


- (60mins)


32 Villars Institute Community Lunch

This meal is prepared based on the recommendations of the EAT-Lancet Commission’s Planetary Health Diet, which provides scientific guidelines to ranges of different food groups that together constitute an optimal diet for human health and environmental sustainability.

Session in Parallel

- (90mins)

Hergé Room

33 Commitments to Collaborate on Nature Finance & Natural Capital

The aim of this session is to identify opportunities for closer collaboration within the Villars community in preparation for the 2025 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 30) in Belém, Brazil.
Akanksha Khatri
Mark Gough
Karen Hitschke
Margarita Astralaga

- (90mins)

Genève Room

34 Commitments to Collaborate on Measuring and Monitoring Biodiversity

The aim of this session is to identify opportunities for closer collaboration within the Villars community in preparation for the 2025 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 30) in Belém, Brazil.
Yana Gevorgyan
Tony Goldner
Erin Billman
Jillian Campbell

- (90mins)

Vaud Room

35 Commitments to Collaborate on a Narrative for Nature Restoration

The aim of this session is to identify opportunities for closer collaboration within the Villars community in preparation for the 2025 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 30) in Belém, Brazil.
J. Carl Ganter
Thomas Crampton
Sweta Chakraborty
Rhett Butler
Angela McCarthy

- (90mins)

Fribourg Room

36 Commitments to Collaborate on Ocean Protection

The aim of this session is to identify on opportunities for closer collaboration within the Villars community in preparation for the 2025 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 30) in Belém, Brazil.
Jane Glavan
Antoinette Vermilye
John Vermilye
Patrick Frick
Paul Holthus

- (30mins)


Summit Community Break

- (90mins)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

37 Accelerating Systems Change from Villars

The aim of the Villars Institute Summit is to accelerate the protection of biodiversity, reduction of carbon emissions, and restoration of nature through intergenerational and interdisciplinary collaboration.  Join an interactive plenary discussion reporting on outcomes and commitments for the year ahead and an assessment by youth on their relevance and impact on the next generation.
Lee Howell
Thijs Biersteker

- (90mins)

Villars Palace Main Entrance

39 Exploring in Villars-sur-Ollon

Nature Walk:  This guided walk is a wonderful opportunity to discover the natural beauty of the region and takes place from 17:30 to 19:00. This activity is limited to 50 people only and sign-up is required.


- (90mins)


40 Villars Institute Closing Dinner